Shaka Shakur: Human Rights Held Hostage, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XWL_WhlHltA
Free 'Em All: Interview with Sekou Odinga, https://vimeo.com/591307099
Efia Nwangaza Reportback from the 1st Session of the Permanent Forum on People of African Descent
- https://www.blogtalkradio.com/georgejacksonradio/2022/12/22/mama-efia-nwangaza-malcolm-x-center-for-self-determination
Efia Nwangaza on Women's Day - https://www.blogtalkradio.com/georgejacksonradio/2022/03/04/mama-efia-nwanganza-new-afrikan-attorney
RBC on Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMomXL-L8och5BsPE7rhymQ
RBC, NAPO, & MXGM on George Jackson University Radio, July 16, 2020
- https://www.blogtalkradio.com/georgejacksonradio/2020/07/16/rebuild-collective-rbcnapo-new-afrikan-peoples-organization--mxgm
ReBuild Collective on George Jackson University Radio - https://www.blogtalkradio.com/georgejacksonradio/2019/09/19/baba-hondo-tchikwa-elder-of-spear-shield-collective
Spear & Shield Publications - http://brothermalcolm.net/TRANSFORMED/YAKI.htm
Free All Political Prisoners! - https://thejerichomovement.com/
Mutulu Shakur - http://mutulushakur.com/site/
Interview With Recently Released Political Prisoner, Zolo Agona Azania - https://thefinalstrawradio.noblogs.org/post/2018/09/23/former-political-prisoner-zolo-azania/
Sundiata Acoli - http://www.sundiataacoli.org
New Afrikan Spirituality - newafrikanspirituality.weebly.com
Akinyele Umoja on the BLA - https://youtu.be/hLqXpwC0svs
Survived & Punished (There Are Thousands of Cyntoia Browns!) - survivedandpunished.org
Freedom Archives - http://freedomarchives.org
IDOC Watch: Empowering Prisoners, Empowering the Masses - https://www.idocwatch.org
George Jackson University - https://www.georgejacksonuniversity.com
Revolution Without Women Aint Happening! Aminata Umoja (NAPO)
PGRNA Reflections, Bilal Sunni-Ali (full text)
ReBuild! A New Afrikan Independence Movement Periodical, Volume 1, Number 1
Interview With Assata Shakur
Vita Wa Watu: Notes from a New Afrikan Theoretical Journal, Book 12 - 'Notes On Cadre Policy & Development' & 'On What It Means to Re-Build' (Atiba Shanna)
Roots of the New Afrikan Independence Movement (Chokwe Lumumba)
False Nationalism, False Internationalism: Class Contradictions in the Armed Struggle (E. Tani & Kae Sera)
Settlers: The Mythology of the White Proletariat (J. Sakai)
Who Are New Afrikan Political Prisoners & Prisoners of War? (Owusu Yaki Yakubu)
An Updated Brief History of the New Afrikan Prison Struggle (Sundiata Acoli)
Blaming The Other Victim: Sexism & Afrikan Liberation (Thandisizwe Chimurenga)
Notes on the Link Between Oppression of New Afrikan Women
and the New Afrikan National Liberation Revolution
New Afrikan History Month: A Critical Look at the Past to Rebuild (Comrad Cinque)
America: The Nation-State, pt 1 (Imari Obadele)
America: The Nation-State, pt 2 (Imari Obadele)
Thoughts On What We Are Becoming: A Discussion Paper (Owusu Yaki Yakubu)
New Afrikan Voice: Revolutionary Views & News of the Obadele Society (2017)
New Afrikan Voice: Revolutionary Views & News of the Obadele Society (2018)